- Why doesn't the Private File(tm) for Windows "Encrypt and Mail"
feature work on my computer?
- I want to use the Private File(tm) for Windows "Encrypt and Send
To" feature to send to my Zip(tm) drive. How do I add my Zip drive, or another location, to my Windows
'Send To' menu item list?
- Why does Private File(tm) for Windows truncate the names of the
files I encrypted on my PC?
- Can the domestic version of Private File(tm) for Windows be exported
outside the United States?
- When I change the Private File(tm) for Windows encryption and
decryption options they don't stay in effect. How can I fix this?
- I generated a Microsoft Word(tm) document on a PC, encrypted it
using Private File(tm) for Windows, and then decrypted it on a
Macintosh. The resulting file has a generic document icon rather
than the MS Word icon. Why did this happen?
- I have files with names ending in '_1.pf' and '_2.pf', etc. and
'_1_1.pf' and '_1_2.pf, etc. Why do these file names contain this numbering scheme?
- If I drag a StuffIt(tm) archive (.sit) onto Private File(tm) PF
Decrypt(tm) for the Mac, the archive is expanded. Why doesn't Private File for Windows work the same?
- When I encrypt a shortcut using Private File(tm) for Windows,
I can't find the encrypted file. Where does the encrypted file get placed?
- I have decrypted a Private File(tm) encrypted file that was generated
on a PC and copied onto my Macintosh. The decrypted file will
not run on my Macintosh. Why?
- Intermittently, when I drag and drop files onto the Private File(tm)
PF Encrypt(tm) or PF Decrypt(tm) icon, the message "Access to
the specified device, path, or file is denied" appears. What is causing this? Is there a workaround?