Frequently Asked Questions


Q: Why does Private File(tm) for Windows truncate the names of the files I encrypted on my PC?

A: The Private File encrypted file name (.pf) can be a maximum of 256 characters. However, the maximum length of a file name for the stored, encrypted, and compressed files is 31 characters, which includes the extension. The reason for this is to be compatible with the maximum length of a file name allowed on a Macintosh. Private File was designed to be cross-platform, enabling you to easily transfer files to and from the Mac OS and Windows platforms.

Contacting Aladdin's Technical Support Department

Aladdin Systems, Inc. email:
165 Westridge Dr. FTP site:
Watsonville, CA 95076 CompuServe Forum: Go: ALADDIN
Phone: 408-761-6200 Fax: 408-761-6206

Technical support is available by telephone Monday through Thursday, 8am - 5pm Pacific Time and Friday, 8am - 3pm. The Technical Support Department is closed Friday from 3pm to 5pm for a weekly meeting.
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Modified 3/12/98 FxD Webworks