I just installed StuffIt Deluxe(tm) 4.0 with StuffIt SpaceSaver(tm).
SpaceSaver is not compressing anything on my Power Macintosh/Clone
with a 604e microprocessor? Why not?
- I copied SpaceSaver compressed files from my older Macintosh/Clone
to my new Power Macintosh/Clone which has a 604e microprocessor.
The SpaceSaver compressed files do not decompress properly on
my new PowerMacintosh 604e. What do I do now?
- I would like to disable StuffIt SpaceSaver(tm), but the control
panel gives me this warning: "Turning Space Saver off will make
compressed files inaccessible." What does it mean?
- When I try to expand a file with StuffIt SpaceSaver(tm), it says
this file has already been expanded and nothing happens. How do I expand the file and retrieve the contents?