Q: When I try to expand a file with StuffIt SpaceSaver(tm), it
says this file has already been expanded and nothing happens.
How do I expand the file and retrieve the contents?
A: What has probably happened is that you have been using SpaceSaver
to keep files compressed and a Type and Creator swap has occured.
The file in actuality has been expanded but SpaceSaver has replaced
the file's Type and Creator codes with its own. This is common
with the upgrade to OS 8 where SpaceSaver does not work.
There are two ways to fix these files and restore the Type and
Creator codes. Make sure you try to expand these files before
proceeding. For OS 8 users, it is recommended that you turn off
the SpaceSaver control panel. It is also suggested that you remove
the SpaceSaver control panel completely from the Control Panels
folder in your System Folder and restart your Macintosh.
One other suggestion in restoring these files is to first make
a duplicate of the SpaceSaver file and work with the copy of the
Method One using Disk Editor(tm) from the Norton Utilities(tm) package:
1. Drag your hard drive onto the Norton Disk Editor icon. A dialog
box appears indicating the disk is being read and sorting files.
2. A new window then appears listing all the files (visible and
invisible) on your hard drive.
What you need to find are the Type and Creator codes for the files
that are not working. It is recommended that you try this procedure
on one file first.
3. In the list of files and folders, locate and select a file
that you know is ok (will open).
4. With the file selected, click the Info button at the top. Write
down the Type and Creator codes, note upper and lower case.
5. Next, locate and select a file that you cannot open. With the
file selected, click the Info button at the top.
6. Type in the proper Type and Creator codes. They will be Type:
SPSV and Creator: SIT! if they are SpaceSaver files.
Once you have done this to one file, then go back to that file
and try to open it.
Method Two using StuffIt Deluxe(tm):
1. Launch StuffIt Deluxe.
2. Choose 'New' from the File menu and create a new archive. This
willbring up a dialog box asking you to name the new archive if
you wish(default name is "Archive.sit"). It is recommended to
use the desktop as the destination, then click the 'New' button.
StuffIt will create an empty archive on the desktop.
3. Click the 'Stuff' button on the floating button bar. This will
bring up a dialog box with a directory listing on the left side
containing a list of files and folders you can select from. Select
the files you want to recover and click the 'Add' button. This
will add them to the 'Items to Stuff' list on the right side.
If you do not know the Type and Creator codes of a file to be
recovered, you'll also need to 'Stuff' the same type of file,
one which still has its correct icon. For instance, if you need
to recover a Microsoft Word document, you should stuff the file
you are having problems with, plus a working MS Word document.
When you have all the files you wish to stuff listed on the right
side, click the 'Stuff' button, located at the bottom right of
the dialog box.
4. A progress dialog appears indicating StuffIt's progress as
it stuffs the files. When the files have finished stuffing, you
will see them appear in the archive window. The problem files
will have StuffIt SpaceSaver icons; the other files will have
their original correct icons.
5. Now, select a file that is showing the correct icon. Click
the 'Info' button on the floating button bar. The info window
will display the file's Type and Creator codes. Write both of
these down, EXACTLY as shown, note case upper and lower case.
Close the info window.
6. Now, select the problem version of the file (the corresponding
file showing a SpaceSaver icon) and again click the 'Info' button
on the floating button bar. The Type and Creator codes probably
show as SPSV and SIT!. Change these to their correct Type and
Creator codes by simply typing in the correct codes (which you
just wrote down in step 5 above).
7. Once you close the Info window and look in the archive window,
you should notice that the problem file now shows its correct
8. You should now unstuff the recovered file by selecting it and
clicking the 'Untuff' button on the floating button bar. This
will bring up a dialog box in which you should rename the file
before you 'unstuff' it to another folder or disk. If you don't
rename the file before unstuffing it, you may be asked to 'replace
existing', which is not advised until you are sure that the file
9. Your file should now be back to normal! If you have more files
to recover, simply repeat the procedure for all affected files.
OPTIONAL: After all recovered files have been unstuffed, they should benormal
and accessible again. However, it is recommended that you also
rebuild your desktop at this point to make sure that the desktop
information on these files is updated. To rebuild the desktop,
hold down the [Option] + [Command] keys while restarting. Keep
these keys held down until you see the message on your screen
asking you to rebuild the desktop. Let go of the keys and click
the "OK" button. The desktop rebuild may take a few minutes.
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