Frequently Asked Questions


Q: I copied SpaceSaver(tm) compressed files from my older Macintosh computer over to my new Power Macintosh/Clone which has a 604e microprocessor. Now the SpaceSaver compressed files do not decompress properly on my new Power Macintosh 604e. What do I do now?

A: SpaceSaver does not function on 604e based computers unless you obtain an updater which makes SS compatible with the 604e computers. Contact Aladdin Systems Technical support if you have a version of StuffIt SpaceSaver from the 3.5 series. Contact info follows at the end of this document.

Do the following if you have SpaceSaver 4.0 series:

1. Do not continue to use StuffIt SpaceSaver until you get the update described below.
2. Obtain the StuffIt Deluxe/SS 4.0 F96 updater from one of the following sources:


Go! Aladdin
double click "Browse Libraries"
click Aladdin Systems (you are in the Mac C Vendors forum, Library 2)
download: DLXX4F97.INS


3. Once the updater is downloaded and expanded, dobuble-click the updater icon to install the updater. The "Welcome" screen has detailed installation information.
4. This update should fix problems experienced under the above circumstances as well as other issues that are documented in the Installer text. If you still have the files on your old computer, keep them and treat them as backup files. If further assistance is needed feel free to contact us at one of the addresses below.

Contacting Aladdin's Technical Support Department

Aladdin Systems, Inc. email:
165 Westridge Dr. FTP site:
Watsonville, CA 95076 CompuServe Forum: Go: ALADDIN
Phone: 408-761-6200 Fax: 408-761-6206

Technical support is available by telephone Monday through Thursday, 8am - 5pm Pacific Time and Friday, 8am - 3pm. The Technical Support Department is closed Friday from 3pm to 5pm for a weekly meeting.
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Modified 3/12/98 FxD Webworks