- I've used Netscape Navigator(tm) 2.x to downloaded StuffIt Expander(tm),
but I can't open the file I got. What's up with that?
- I've used Netscape Navigator(tm) 3.x to download StuffIt Expander(tm),
but I can't open the file I got. What's up with that?
- When I drop a file onto StuffIt Expander(tm), I get a message
that says "As an owner of a Power Macintosh..." I downloaded DropStuff
with Expander Enhancer(tm) but I still get the message. What is causing this?
- When I drop a file onto StuffIt Expander, I get a message that
says "One of the files could have been expanded if you had DropStuff
with Expander Enhancer." I downloaded DropStuff with Expander
Enhancer but I still get the message. Why?
- When I drop a file on StuffIt Expander, I get a message that says
"The version of the Stuffit Engine is not current..." What does it mean?
- I just installed StuffIt Deluxe(tm), DropStuff(tm), or StuffIt
Expander(tm) and when I drag and drop a file onto DropStuff or
StuffIt Expander, it doesn't highlight. I can launch DropStuff
and choose 'Stuff' from the File menu or I can launch StuffIt
Expander and choose 'Expand' from the File menu successfully.
Why can't I drag a file onto DropStuff or StuffIt Expander?
- I've used Netscape Communicator(tm) 4.x to download StuffIt Expander(tm),
but I can't open the file I got. What's up with that?