Frequently Asked Questions


InstallerMaker Heading

  • When I build my installer to floppy disk size segments, it runs fine from the hard drive but when I copy the installer on the floppy disks, my Installer keeps asking for Disk One over and over again. It only happens on certain machines. What is the problem?
  • My installer requires some custom code built into an included code resource. This code worked fine with InstallerMaker 3, but now my included code resources are no longer working correctly and frequently cause errors. What happened?
  • The Serialization Example included with InstallerMaker causes my installer to crash and generally act strange on certain machines. What's the matter?
  • After choosing "User Specified Folder" from the "Options" menu, I check 'Set user specified folder size and view from...' and point to my folder "template". After installation, my icons are still all over the place. Why?
  • I have two items that need to go into the same sub-folder but they have different install conditions and I can't set individual conditions to items in sub-folders. How do I do that?
  • How can I change the look and feel of my installer?
  • How do I use the IM Movie Player with my floppy disk based installer?



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Copyright 1997, 1998 Aladdin Systems, Inc. Questions? Send us a note.
Modified 3/12/98 FxD Webworks