Frequently Asked Questions

  • Aladdin FlashBack(tm) has created two or more revisions in the FlashBack window with exactly the same date and time stamp (i.e. the same name). No matter which one I attempt to open I only see the oldest one. How can I see all of these revisions?

  • Aladdin FlashBack(tm) has created two or more revisions in the FlashBack window with exactly the same date and time stamp (i.e. the same name). When I try to drag them all to a folder, only one is created there and it is the oldest of the group. How can I see all of these revisions?

  • Aladdin FlashBack(tm) does not save a revision of my document every time I save it. The document is in the FlashBack window and I have set the save trigger in the FlashBack Settings to: 'When document is modified and saved.' How can I get FlashBack to save every time I do?



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Modified 3/12/98 FxD Webworks