Frequently Asked Questions


Q: Aladdin FlashBack(tm) has created two or more revisions in the FlashBack window with exactly the same date and time stamp (i.e. the same name). When I try to drag them all to a folder, only one is created there and it is the oldest of the group. How can I see all of these revisions?

A: This situation occurs when you save more than once during one clock minute and the FlashBack settings are set to the default of:

Save frequency:
As often as:

In order to see all the revisions correctly you must drag them, one at a time, out of the FlashBack window into separate folders; one for each revision.

Here's an easy way to do this:

1. Create a new untitled folder by choosing 'New Folder' from the File menu in the Finder.
2. Open the new untitled folder.
3. Create multiple untitled folders within the first untitled folder, (one for each revision with the same name), by choosing 'New Folder' from the File menu several times. The folders will be titled: untitled folder, untitled folder 2, untitled folder 3, etc.
4. Starting with the first same-named revision in the FlashBack window's list, drag it into "untitled folder". For the next one in the list, drag it into "untitled folder 2". Continue this process until you have placed each same-named revision into its own folder.

When you are finished with this process you will have all the revisions in order with the highest numbered untitled folder containing the latest same-named revision.

Opening any of these folders and then double clicking the revision it contains, will allow you to view, cut, copy and paste to and from that revision.

Contacting Aladdin's Technical Support Department

Aladdin Systems, Inc. email:
165 Westridge Dr. FTP site:
Watsonville, CA 95076 CompuServe Forum: Go: ALADDIN
Phone: 408-761-6200 Fax: 408-761-6206

Technical support is available by telephone Monday through Thursday, 8am - 5pm Pacific Time and Friday, 8am - 3pm. The Technical Support Department is closed Friday from 3pm to 5pm for a weekly meeting.
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Modified 3/12/98 FxD Webworks