Features and Benefits of InstallerMaker 4.x
Create Trialware Easily
Creating trialware is as simple as a few menu selection and pasting
two graphics into the installer archive. Each trialware item contains
electronic commerce capability.
Electronic Commerce Ready
Set the installer to require payment as part of trialware. Users
can pay via the Internet, modem, voice call, fax or surface mail
from within the software.
InstallerMaker uses ShrinkWrap to create disk image files while
building an installer. Simplify and automate your SCM process
to ensure consistency and reliability.
Fully Scriptable and Recordable
InstallerMaker 4.x is fully scriptable, recordable, and attachable.
It can even execute included AppleScripts as part of the installation
process. This is "industrial strength" script support for AppleScript,
UserLand Frontier, and any other OSA (Open Scripting Architecture)
compliant scripting system. Automate the build process to save
labor and improve quality through more consistent and faster installer
Install or Uninstall Software
Users can now "uninstall" software as well as install it. This
feature is much more functional and flexible than Apple's implementation.
A developer can instruct an uninstall to perform any action possible
during installation, including renaming, deleting, moving, copying,
or even installing a file as part of unintsall.
Built-In Updating
Build intelligent "diff" files and place them in an installer.
With this ability, a developer can create small updaters, perfect
for online distribution. Update 68K, PowerPC, or Fat applictions
from ONE updater. Easily update any number of files, move, copy,
delete, and install files as part of the update. Unlike our competitors,
who charge additional fees or who don't have it at all, updating
is a free feature.
Best Compression
The best compressing installer on any platform. On average, it
saves 5 - 15% more disk space than the competition.
Built-In Resource Compression
Applications can be compressed, either before or after they are
installed, using Aladdin's updated resource compression technology.
Resource compression will reduce the disk footprint of a product
on the end-user's computer. Aladdin's resource compression is
significantly better than any other implementation currently shipping,
including Apple's.
With InstallerMaker any file on the user's hard drive can be moved,
copied, or renamed, including those not shipped in the installer.
Resource Installation
In addition to support for Font/Desk Accessory installation, 4.x
allows you to install resources of any type into the System file
or into applications or extensions.
Multiple Custom Installations (Increased number of "Packages")
Use up to 128 packages (groups of files) to create multiple custom
Improved Hooks for Developer Customization
Even more hooks for creating code resources to handle tasks outside
the InstallerMaker feature set.
Additional Capabilities of InstallerMaker 4.0
Complete Power Macintosh Support
Install native Power Mac files, 680x0, or Fat Binaries. "Smart"
installation lets the installer itself determine what files to
install based on the CPU (of course the customer can always override).
Combine Files into a Single Integrated Product Installer
All the files in your product can be uploaded as a single file
for distribution online or as network updates. Since the file
is highly compressed, it takes less time and expense to download
for your customers.
Condition Support
Associate simple "go/no-go" rules with any file in the product.
For example, if you want to "Install this file if running System
6 without Color QuickDraw," it takes only seconds and a few menu
selections to attach such a condition to your installer.
Single-disk, Multiple-disk, CD-ROM and Network Installations
It's just as easy to make an installer whether your product occupies
one or 30 disks and even CD-ROMs. Place a single installer on
a network server, and all users on a local network can double
click its icon to install files or software on their computers.
Custom Startup Screen and Text
Paste your company logo into the installer to customize its look.
Also choose for the installer to display "licensing" or "read
me" text to customers before they install software.
Standard and Custom Install
You can give your customers a choice of what files to install
on their computer.
International Language Support
Easily select localization languages for your product's installer.