

Get InstallerMaker

  • InstallerMaker 4.6 is now available. We are concurrently posting to the Info-Mac archives. If our sites our busy, please try one of the Info-Mac mirror sites.
  • The unlock code for testing electronic commerce/trialware that shipped with 4.0 was in an old format and did not work with the GM version of InstallerMaker. If you have downloaded InstallerMaker 4.0 you can use the following unlock code to test trialware with the information provided in the "Test Drive Trialware" document: FQDB-PBHQ-FCLE-NNPU This information is also included in the 4.5 release of InstallerMaker.


NOTE: If you plan to use InstallerMaker's trialware/electronic commerce feature you need to contact Aladdin Developer Sales. All that is required is a signed license agreement to receive a Product Code which enables this capability in your product.




StuffIt InstallerMaker 4.6 is now available!
New in InstallerMaker 4.6: Now create Mac OS 8 Style Platinum Interface Installers and Smart Updaters!
You also get no coding electronic commerce and the best compression in the business, from the company that has been the standard in compression and archiving for nearly 10 years! StuffIt InstallerMaker is the benchmark installation product used by more developers and network administrators on the Macintosh than all other products combined.

BinHex encoded (5397 KB)
Updater only (1519 KB)

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Retrieving Files

During different times of the day our FTP sites may be busy. We now give you several sites to try, and while our freeware, shareware, demos and updaters are available here from our web page and ftp sites, they are also available on most internet file archives such as UMICH and InfoMac. If you have trouble retrieving any of our files from our site you can try the searchable MIT InfoMac HyperArchive. InstallerMaker 4.5 is currently posted in InfoMac's "Compress & Translate" directory. Version 4.6 has been submitted and will be posted when the Info-Mac administrators can get to it.


Find out What's New in InstallerMaker 4.6


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Modified 3/12/98 FxD Webworks