

About StuffIt Lite

Fast Stuffing and UnStuffing

StuffIt Lite 3.6 is accelerated for Power Macintosh. Expansion of files on many platforms is accelerated. StuffIt Lite compresses files an average of 60%, creating a document called an archive. Archives save disk space, speed modem and network file transfers, and make backups easier. StuffIt is the international standard of file compression and archiving on all major online services (including America Online and CompuServe) and thousands of bulletin board systems.

Drag and Drop Support

StuffIt Lite 3.6 has drag and drop support making compression and expansion easy to perform. To expand a file in a StuffIt archive, the user simply drags the file onto the desktop. A file can be Stuffed by dragging it onto an archive or into an open archive window. (This drag and drop functionality requires System 7.1.1 or higher.)

AppleScript Support

A suite of Apple events for registered copies of StuffIt Lite allow the program to be automated using Apple's scripting technology. StuffIt Lite is also fully recordable; just like a tape recorder, a user can perform a series of actions and the script will be automatically written.

Other Information

StuffIt Lite 3.6 features other capabilities found in previous versions, including the ability to password protect archives, to create self-extracting archives and to segment archives for fitting large files across multiple floppy disks. StuffIt Lite 3.6 comes complete with an online guide.

Aladdin is offering StuffIt Lite 3.6 free to registered users of StuffIt Lite 3.5. Otherwise, StuffIt Lite 3.6 upgrades cost $15 for all other previous versions.

StuffIt Lite is copyrighted shareware. After using StuffIt Lite for 15 days, users are honor-bound to send Aladdin a $30 registration fee. By registering StuffIt Lite, the user receives added benefits including AppleScriptability, free technical support and updates, enhanced features, and special pricing on other Aladdin products.


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Modified 3/12/98 FxD Webworks