

Spring Cleaning

Aladdin Systems recently acquired LaundroMac from the Excelsior Group. We strongly believe that we did not just acquire the product but also are responsible for LaundroMac customers. For that reason, we welcome every purchaser of LaundroMac as an Aladdin customer. For each LaundroMac owner we are providing free upgrades to version 1.0 of Spring Cleaning and also providing a further free upgrade to version 2.0 as with all purchasers of version 1.0. These free upgrades will be provided over the internet. Customers wanting physical delivery of the product will need to pay a small shipping and handling fee for their copies. Just follow these simple instructions:

  • Call Aladdin Systems at (408) 761-6200
  • Ask for the Customer Service department
  • Explain that you are a LaundroMac customer in search of your upgrade to Spring Cleaning
  • Customer Service will ask you for information to verify that you are a LaundroMac registered owner
  • If you choose to get a physical copy of Spring Cleaning 1.0, Customer Service will ask for information so they can bill you and ship you your upgrade
  • If you choose to get your upgrade over the internet, Customer Service will give you your authorization code over the phone, and give you a secret URL at which you can download the software, and the documentation

You can also pursue this avenue for your upgrade through e-mail at

If you have any issues that you need to resolve with the Excelsior Group, you can contact them at the following addresses:

Enjoy your upgrade and thank you for becoming an Aladdin customer.


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Copyright 1997, 1998 Aladdin Systems, Inc. Questions? Send us a note.
Modified 3/12/98 FxD Webworks