


Why Protect?

The Internet just became a whole lot safer!

What happens to your files when you send them across the Internet? To get a file from point A to point B, your files often go through hundreds of machines! While the Internet allows for worldwide connections, your data could easily be more of a globetrotter than the Secretary of State! Protect your information with Private File.

The dangers

Is anybody out there watching? Although not very many people actually monitor what goes over the Internet, the fact of the matter is it happens every day. This doesn't make sorting through the tons of information and email traffic on the Internet easy. But setting up a computer to look for specific types of data ("packet sniffing") or watching for communications to or from any one particular source is entirely possible for a skilled and determined professional. Protect your information with Private File.

Are you vulnerable?

Do you send personal or confidential information over the Internet? Does your job require you to handle spreadsheets, banking records, legal papers, copyrighted materials, salary information, vendor, customer or client addresses and phone numbers, social security information, credit card numbers, employee data, or medical records? What would the consequences be if this information were made public, obtained by your competition or simply circulated inside of your company? Protect your information with Private File.

How to protect yourself

Private File makes security simple. It is the fast and easy way to protect yourself and your company! Just encrypt your files before sending them. With a simple drag and drop, or a menu point and click, your information is safe. And with the strongest encryption you can be sure that no one but your desired recipient will be able to use your information. Protect everything you send with Private File.


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Modified 3/12/98 FxD Webworks