

FlashBack, The Automatic Safety Net for Your Documents

FlashBack only saves the changes instead of clogging up your hard drive with a bunch of "Save As" documents (which are entire files, with lots of duplicate information). Flashback only saves the changes you make to your document whether it's graphics, design, word processing, databases or just about anything you can dream up. When you want to return to a version, FlashBack rebuilds it, instantly. It's called a differencing engine, and it's the Aladdin Advantage.

Just drag a document to the FlashBack window and FlashBack automatically tracks all changes to the document, plus it creates and stores a history of previously saved versions. Since FlashBack only records the changes you made since the last time you saved the file, you don't waste a lot of valuable hard disk space with a collection of slightly different documents. Instead of cryptically named documents, each "FlashBacked" document is clearly labeled with a time and date stamp, to provide even easier access to saved versions.

To start tracking changes to a document, simply drag the document icon into the FlashBack window. FlashBack organizes your documents by application, and creates a time and date stamp for every saved version. To access any previous version of a tracked document, simply double-click on the version you want, and FlashBack instantly rebuilds the document exactly as it was at that point in time. It's that easy!

Every document you put in your FlashBack folder has a companion document that is created for it. This document contains a list of the times and days on which you saved the related document. It also contains the exact changes made for each save. And, since Flashback only records multiple changes that you made since the last time you saved the document, the FlashBack documents are often tiny in comparison to your original documents.

Also, nothing is done to the document you save. It remains exactly as it was before you started using FlashBack. All the work FlashBack does is in addition to your regular saved version. All of FlashBack's work is saved in a separate document.


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Modified 3/12/98 FxD Webworks