Frequently Asked Questions


Q: I SpaceSaver(tm) compressed my MacInTax files and now they will not decompress. How can access them again?

A: A Type and Creator swap has occured which makes the files appear as SpaceSaver files in the Finder. There are three ways to fix these files and restore the Type and Creator codes. The first method uses the StuffIt Browser(tm) (part of the True Finder Integration(tm) control panel). This is the easiest method. The second method uses the StuffIt Deluxe(tm) application. The third method uses Norton Disk Editor(tm) (part of Norton Utilities(tm)). You can use this method if you have Norton Utilities and you do not have any part of the Deluxe package installed.

Before continuing with one of the methods described below, there are few things you should do to set up the machine. First, we recommend that you label the MacInTax folder "big" or use a "Don't Compress" label as set up in the SpaceSaver control panel. Next, drag your MacInTax folder over StuffIt Expander to ensure the files have been expanded.

Method One using the StuffIt Browser:

The following procedure assumes that the True Finder Integration control panel is installed and the StuffIt Browser and Magic Menu are enabled, and StuffIt Exander is installed on your computer.

If you have not already done so, we recommend that you label the MacInTax folder "big" or use a "Don't Compress" label as set up in the SpaceSaver control panel. Next, drag your MacInTax folder over StuffIt Expander to ensure the files have been expanded. Continue with the steps below.

1. Duplicate the affected file(s) that will not open by selecting the file(s) and choosing Duplicate from the File menu.
2. Stuff the affected file(s) into a StuffIt archive by selecting the duplicate file(s) and choosing Stuff from the Magic Menu.

Note: The StuffIt archive should be found in the same location on your hard disk as the affected file(s). It you stuffed only one file, the StuffIt archive's name should be the same as the affected file with ".sit" added to the end. If you stuffed multiple files, the StuffIt archive's name should be "archive.sit."

3. Open the StuffIt archive you created by double-clicking the StuffIt archive icon. This will open a StuffIt Browser window.
4.Select an affected file in the window.
5. Hold down the Command and Option keys while pressing the letter i on your keyboard. The "Get Info" window will appear showing the Type and Creator codes for this file.

If and only if the affected file shows a Type of "SPSV" and a Creator of "SIT!" then continue with this process. If that is not the case, contact Aladdin Systems Technical Support.

6. Change the file Type and Creator to the correct Type and Creator codes for the file. See Below.

Example: If you are working with an MacInTax 97 data file, then you would

Change the TYPE from "SPSV" to "TaxR"

Change the CREATOR from "SIT!" to "MIT7"

Example: If you are working with an MacInTax Deluxe 97 data file, then you would

Change the TYPE from "SPSV" to "TaxR"

Change the CREATOR From "SIT!" to "TTX7"

Example: If you are working with an Macintax for Business 97 data file, then you would

Change the TYPE from "SPSV" to "TaxR"

Change the CREATOR From "SIT!" to "MSB7"

7. Unstuff the file from the archive by dragging it to the desktop. Then open it. If it opens fine, put the archive and the original affected file in the trash and empty the trash.

Method Two using the StuffIt Deluxe application:

The following procedure assumes that StuffIt Deluxe, DropStuff, and StuffIt Expander are installed on your computer.

If you have not already done so, we recommend that you label the MacInTax folder "big" or use a "Don't Compress" label as set up in the SpaceSaver control panel. Next, drag your MacInTax folder over StuffIt Expander to ensure the files have been expanded. Continue with the steps below.

1. Duplicate the affected file(s) that will not open by selecting the file(s) and choosing Duplicate from the File menu.
2. Stuff the affected file(s) into a StuffIt archive by selecting the duplicate file(s) and dragging them over the DropStuff icon.

Note: The StuffIt archive should be found in the same location on your hard disk as the affected file(s). It you stuffed only one file, the StuffIt archive's name should be the same as the affected file with ".sit" added to the end. If you stuffed multiple files, the StuffIt archive's name should be "archive.sit."

3. Open the StuffIt archive you created by double-clicking the StuffIt archive icon. This should open the archive in the StuffIt Deluxe application.
4. Select an affected file in the window.
5. Click the Info button on the archive pallette. In the lower part of this window, the Type and Creator codes are listed for this file.

If and only if the affected file shows a Typ of "SPSV" and a Creator of "SIT!" then continue with this process. If that is not the case, contact Aladdin Systems Technical Support.

6. Change the file Type and Creator to the correct Type and Creator codes for the file. See Below.

Example: If you are working with an MacInTax 97 data file, then you would

Change the TYPE from "SPSV" to "TaxR"

Change the CREATOR from "SIT!" to "MIT7"

Example: If you are working with an MacInTax Deluxe 97 data file, then you would

Change the TYPE from "SPSV" to "TaxR"

Change the CREATOR From "SIT!" to "TTX7"

Example: If you are working with an Macintax for Business 97 data file, then you would

Change the TYPE from "SPSV" to "TaxR"

Change the CREATOR From "SIT!" to "MSB7"

7. Unstuff the file from the archive by dragging it to the desktop. Then open it. If it opens fine, put the archive and the original affected file in the trash and empty the trash.

Method Three using Disk Editor (from Norton Utilities):

The following procedure assumes that Norton Disk Editor (of Norton Utilities) and StuffIt Expander are installed on your computer.

If you have not already done so, we recommend that you label the MacInTax folder "big" or use a "Don't Compress" label as set up in the SpaceSaver control panel. Next, drag your MacInTax folder over StuffIt Expander to ensure the files have been expanded. Continue with the steps below.

1. Drag your hard drive icon onto the Norton Disk Editor icon. A dialog box appears indicating the disk is being read and sorting files.
2. A new window then appears listing all the files (visible and invisible) on your hard drive.
3. In the list of files and folders, locate and select a file that you cannot open. With the file selected, click the Info button at the top.

If and only if the affected file shows a Typ of "SPSV" and a Creator of "SIT!" then continue with this process. If that is not the case, contact Aladdin Systems Technical Support.

4. Change the file Type and Creator to the correct Type and Creator codes for the file. See Below.

Example: If you are working with an MacInTax 97 data file, then you would

Change the TYPE from "SPSV" to "TaxR"

Change the CREATOR from "SIT!" to "MIT7"

Example: If you are working with an MacInTax Deluxe 97 data file, then you would

Change the TYPE from "SPSV" to "TaxR"

Change the CREATOR From "SIT!" to "TTX7"

Example: If you are working with an Macintax for Business 97 data file, then you would

Change the TYPE from "SPSV" to "TaxR"

Change the CREATOR From "SIT!" to "MSB7"

5. Once you have changed all the files, quit Norton Disk Editor. You should be able to open them.

Contacting Aladdin's Technical Support Department

Aladdin Systems, Inc. email:
165 Westridge Dr. FTP site:
Watsonville, CA 95076 CompuServe Forum: Go: ALADDIN
Phone: 408-761-6200 Fax: 408-761-6206

Technical support is available by telephone Monday through Thursday, 8am - 5pm Pacific Time and Friday, 8am - 3pm. The Technical Support Department is closed Friday from 3pm to 5pm for a weekly meeting.
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Modified 3/12/98 FxD Webworks