Q: I need to transfer a file from a Mac to a PC. However, when
it is compressed it still does not fit onto one floppy disk. How
can transfer a segmented file from a Mac to a PC?
A: Currently, StuffIt Expander(tm) for Windows can not handle
segmented files, and we do not know of any program that can. There
is, however, a workaround:
1. Stuff the file. You can use DropStuff(tm), StuffIt Deluxe(tm),
or StuffIt Lite(tm) to create a StuffIt archive (.sit file).
2. Open StuffIt Deluxe or StuffIt Lite.
3. Choose 'BinHex4' -> 'Encode' from the Translate menu.
4. In the Open dialog box, locate and open the stuffed file.
5. In the Save dialog box, click the 'Save' button. This will
create a new, BinHexed file with an .hqx extension.
6. Open the BinHex encoded file (.hqx) in any word processor or
text editor, such as BBEdit or Claris Works. You will probably
need to open the program, select 'Open' from the File menu, and
locate the document in the dialog box.
7. Manually segment the file. To do this, _cut_ sections of the
BinHex encoded file and paste each cut section into a new document.
You will need to gauge the size of the segment to cut based on
the size of the entire file (i.e. a 2 MB file could be cut in
half into two 1 MB files). When you save each segment it is important
to choose 'Save As' from the File menu and then choose 'text'
or 'text only.' You must also keep track of the order of the segments.
They do not need to have .hqx at the end; you can name them segment1,
segment2, etc.
8. Copy the segments onto PC-formatted floppies and transfer them
to the PC.
9. Once you have all the segments on the PC, you can join them
into a single BinHex encoded file again. Reverse the segmenting
process by opening the segments in a word processor or text editor
and pasting them into one continuous file. It is very important
that you paste them back together in the same order in which they
were cut. When you save the joined document it is important to
choose 'Save As' and then choose 'text' or 'text only.'
10. If you do not have StuffIt Expander for Windows, you will
need to download and install it. You can download this from our
Web site at:
11. Once installed, drag the joined BinHex encoded file onto the
StuffIt Expander icon to decode it.
That's it! You should now have a decoded file, ready to use on
your PC.
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