Frequently Asked Questions


Q: Magic Menu(tm) does not currently function under OS 8. How can I create self-extracting (.sea) archives now?

A: You can continue to make self-extracting archives with StuffIt Deluxe(tm) either with the Deluxe application itself or by using DropStuff(tm).

To make a self-extracting file with Deluxe:

1. Launch the StuffIt Deluxe program and choose 'New' from the File menu.
2. Name the archive, select the destination for the archive, then click the 'New' button.
3. In the new archive window, in the lower left corner, check the 'Self-Extracting' check box. This will make the archive self-extracting.
4. To stuff an item, notice that the Archive Palette (the floating button bar that shows when Deluxe is running) has two active icons: 'Stuff' and 'New'. Click the 'Stuff' button in the Archive Palette. A dialog box appears with a directory listing on the left side containing a list of files and folders from which to choose.
5. Select a file and click the 'Add' button. Notice that the item moves from the left side to the right side.
6. Now click the 'Stuff' button in the lower right corner of the dialog box. A progress bar appears showing the stuffing progress. The item is now a self-extracting file.

To make a self-extracting archive with DropStuff:

1. Double-click the DropStuff application and choose 'Preferences' from the File menu.
2. Select the 'Stuffing' icon from the left side of the dialog box.
3. Check the 'Make self-extracting archive' check box and then click the 'OK' button.
4. Drag and drop the item to be stuffed onto the DropStuff application and this will create a self-extracting archive.

Cool Tip!!

You can create an .sea archive using DropStuff setting one time preferences. Hold down the [Option] key while dragging and dropping an item onto DropStuff. In the dialog box that appears, check the 'Make self-extracting archive' check box and click the 'OK' button. This setting will only affect the current archive.

Contacting Aladdin's Technical Support Department

Aladdin Systems, Inc. email:
165 Westridge Dr. FTP site:
Watsonville, CA 95076 CompuServe Forum: Go: ALADDIN
Phone: 408-761-6200 Fax: 408-761-6206

Technical support is available by telephone Monday through Thursday, 8am - 5pm Pacific Time and Friday, 8am - 3pm. The Technical Support Department is closed Friday from 3pm to 5pm for a weekly meeting.
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Modified 3/12/98 FxD Webworks