Frequently Asked Questions


Q: I have StuffIt Deluxe(tm), but suddenly every time I use DropStuff(tm) or the Magic Menu(tm), a registration screen appears. I enter my Deluxe registration number but it tells me that number is invalid. What happened?

A: Somehow, the registered StuffIt Engine(tm) in your Extensions folder that came with StuffIt Deluxe has been replaced with an unregistered copy. One way that this typically happens is when you install the Apple Internet Connection Kit(tm) (now part of the standard System Software). This kit contains a non-registered version of DropStuff with Expander Enhancer. When the non-registered version is installed by Apple's installer, it writes over your registered version of the StuffIt Engine and you then see the registration screen every time the engine is used by our software. Find the instructions below for the version of StuffIt Deluxe that you have and follow them.

**StuffIt Deluxe 4.0 instructions:

1. Trash the StuffIt Engine that is currently in the System Folder, in the Extensions folder.
2. Restart your computer without extensions by holding the [Shift] key down during startup. You can let go when you see either "Welcome to Macintosh; Extensions off," or "Welcome to Mac OS; Extensions disabled" (depending on which version of the System software you're using).
3. Insert the first StuffIt Deluxe disk and double click the installer icon. Follow the instructions until you get to the screen with the 'Install' button. Don't forget to have your registration number handy as you will be asked for it before installation.
4. Perform a custom installation by clicking the 'Custom' button in the installer. This will provide a list of all the custom installation options.
5. Scroll down until you see the "StuffIt Engine" option and click it once to select it. Then click the 'Install' button.

When the installation is complete, you should have a registered engine in your Extensions folder and shouldn't see the registration screen again.

**StuffIt Deluxe 3.5 instructions:

1. Trash the following items: The DropStuff and StuffIt Expander folders in the Internet Connection Kit folder in the Internet Utilities folder, the StuffIt Engine in the System Folder in the Extensions folder, and the StuffIt Drag and Drop folder in the StuffIt Deluxe folder.
2. Restart your computer without extensions by holding the [Shift] key down during startup. You can let go when you see either "Welcome to Macintosh; Extensions off," or "Welcome to Mac OS; Extensions disabled" (depending on which version of the System software you're using).
3. Insert the first StuffIt Deluxe disk and double click the installer icon. Follow the instructions until you get to the screen with the 'Install' button. Don't forget to have your registration number handy as you will be asked for it before installation.
4. Perform a custom installation by clicking the 'Custom' button in the installer. This will provide a list of all the custom installation options.
5. Scroll down until you see the "Drag and Drop Applications" option and click it once to select it. Then click the 'Install' button. When the program asks you where you want to install the selected items, select the StuffIt Deluxe folder.

When the installation is complete, you should have a registered engine in your Extensions folder and shouldn't see the registration screen again.

**StuffIt Deluxe 3.0.x instructions:

1. Trash the following items: The DropStuff and StuffIt Expander folders in the Internet Connection Kit folder in the Internet Utilities folder, the StuffIt Engine in the System Folder in the Extensions folder, and the entire StuffIt Deluxe folder. Make sure you remove any personal files not related to Deluxe from the StuffIt Deluxe folder.
2. Restart your computer without extensions by holding the [Shift] key down during startup. You can let go when you see either "Welcome to Macintosh; Extensions off," or "Welcome to Mac OS; Extensions disabled" (depending on which version of the System software you're using).
3. Insert your StuffIt Deluxe disk and double click the installer icon.
4. Follow the instructions and install StuffIt Deluxe.

When the installation is complete, you should have a registered engine in your Extensions folder and shouldn't see the registration screen again.

Contacting Aladdin's Technical Support Department

Aladdin Systems, Inc. email:
165 Westridge Dr. FTP site:
Watsonville, CA 95076 CompuServe Forum: Go: ALADDIN
Phone: 408-761-6200 Fax: 408-761-6206

Technical support is available by telephone Monday through Thursday, 8am - 5pm Pacific Time and Friday, 8am - 3pm. The Technical Support Department is closed Friday from 3pm to 5pm for a weekly meeting.
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Modified 3/12/98 FxD Webworks