


What's New in StuffIt Deluxe 4.5

Mac OS 8 Compatibility

With the introduction of this new operating system from Apple, many things in the Finder were completely changed. Much of the StuffIt Deluxe package interacts with the Finder very intensively, and thus, failed to operate under Mac OS 8¨. We have completed the modifications to support the many new features of OS 8. Specifically, the following components have been rewritten extensively to support both Simple Finder and the Finder:

  • Aladdin StuffIt Browser(tm) (ASB)
  • Magic Menu component of True Finder Integration(tm) (TFI)

Mac OS Appearance

Additionally, many new appearance items in the Finder have been introduced in Mac OS 8. These appearance items have been added to ASB.

Mac OS 8 Contextual Menu Support

Also added in Mac OS 8 is the Contextual Menu. It makes file operations even easier than before. Simply hold down the Control key when clicking on a file and you'll be presented with a menu of possible commands you can perform on the file you selected. Now in the Contextual Menu, you also get Magic Menu! This support makes Stuffing, Expanding, and Mailing even easier!

Mac System 7 Compatibility

In a later version of System 7, support for remembering the options for each folder independently from others became available. You could, for example, have one view by small icon, while another view in list form. These attributes were not saved when folders were stuffed into a StuffIt archive. Now they are.

StuffIt Expander

  • Expander now supports the MIME/Base64 file format. Many email applications encode their mail with MIME/Base64, but some of them still do not decode the files for you! Now all you need to do is drop them onto Expander and it's taken care of for you.
  • Also in the MIME functionality, we have updated the BinHex decoder. It is now much faster and more robust than before. Try it and you see that BinHex decoding has become 'lightning' fast!
  • So many people are using the new Aladdin ShrinkWrap(tm) 3.0 disk imaging program that we have added disk image mounting support to Expander. Simply drag any ShrinkWrap image document onto Expander and it will mount the disk so you can use it immediately.
  • Support for .LHA files (found on many international FTP sites).
  • Now that encrypting files is so easy with Private File(tm) (also from Aladdin), and since it is being used all over the world, we wanted to make decrypting these files available to everyone and what better place to include it than Expander. Simply drop your encrypted Private File (.pf) files onto Expander, enter the password, and viola - your files are decrypted and decompressed.

StuffIt Engine

  • Expansion of encrypted ZIP files has been added to the StuffIt Engine.
  • MIME/Base64 expansion support.
  • MIME/BinHex expansion support.
  • ShrinkWrap 3.0 expansion support.
  • .LHA expansion support.
  • Private File (.pf) decryption support.

Mail Extension (Magic Menu Extension)

Added support for Claris Emailer, Lotus cc:Mail, and America Online mail! You can now "Mail" and "Stuff and Mail" with almost any Internet mail program!


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Modified 3/12/98 FxD Webworks