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Six New Features Added To Free Upgrade Of Spring Cleaning

Watsonville, CA - October 20, 1997-- Aladdin Systems, Inc., developer of the worldwide Macintosh compression standard, StuffIt(rtm), announced today that it began shipping Spring Cleaning(tm) 2.0. Spring Cleaning is the best selling uninstaller for Macintosh users and helps users to clean up their hard drive by searching for and removing redundant and unnecessary files, applications, folders, and fonts.

Spring Cleaning's new features and enhancements include: 1) a new user interface, 2) a Duplicates Remover(tm), 3) new storage folders, 4) a document finder, 5) Aladdin's StuffIt compression technology and 6) file archiving.

"We included our customers in the development process for version 2.0, so we know the new features will be welcome additions. As a special promotion, we are offering a free upgrade over the Internet of version 2.0 for registered users of version 1.0 and 1.0.1," said Peter Thomas, Product Manager of Spring Cleaning at Aladdin Systems.

Spring Cleaning helps free disk space in 10 ways. Each utility is designed to search for specific types of files, applications, folders, or fonts that may be wasting disk space and reducing productivity.

New Spring Cleaning 2.0 Features:

New Interface
Spring Cleaning features an easier to use interface to help users navigate through the cleaning process. The new interface also matches OS 8's platinum interface.

Duplicates Remover
A new utility, Duplicates Remover finds and lists all duplicate fonts and files. This feature is beneficial for freeing up disk space.

Storage Folders
New storage folders located on the desktop have been added for convenience and to help avoid accidental deletion of files by the user. The folders are also a handy place to keep files until the user decides what action to take on a particular file.

Document Finder
A new search button has been added to search for all documents of the same type, allowing the user to view "like" files. This allows users to easily group files together, move them to a storage folder or take other actions.

Archiving with StuffIt Compression
Aladdin's world renown compression technology has been added to Spring Cleaning. Users can now move or uninstall their files to StuffIt archives to free up more space on their hard drive.

Improved Search Results Window
Users can view search results in categories. Additional information is also available about files, including detailed descriptions of their location.

Other Spring Cleaning features include:

  • MacUninstaller removes applications and associated files. MacUninstaller is designed to help a user safely remove an application and its related files completely to eliminate unneeded, space-wasting files.
  • Fat App Slimmer slims applications. Fat App Slimmer searches for fat binary programs. It will allow the user to delete the unnecessary Power PC or 680X0 code.
  • Orphaned Prefs Remover cleans out unneeded Preferences in the Preferences folder. Orphaned Prefs Remover searches for Preferences files that no longer have applications associated with them, and can help to eliminate them.
  • Orphan Adopter assigns orphans to new applications. Orphan Adopter finds files that no longer have the original application that created them and lets users assign them to another compatible application so that they can be opened and used.
  • Alias Fixer repairs invalid aliases. (An alias file is a file that is used to point to another file.) Alias Fixer will repair alias files found during the search and display any that cannot be repaired or those that can be assigned to a new file.
  • Font Remover removes unnecessary fonts. Font Remover builds a list of the installed and uninstalled fonts on the computer and searches for all types of fonts: bitmap fonts, TrueType outline fonts, and PostScript font files.
  • Help Remover searches for the most common types of help and documentation files, which the user can then move, remove completely, or relocate to portable media or network server.
  • Empty Folder Remover searches volumes for empty folders. Although these folders do not take up a lot of space, there are limits on the number of files and folders on any hard disk. Removing the empty folders helps users avoid reaching this limit, improves file searching speed, and helps clean up a cluttered hard disk.

Availability, Pricing, and Requirements
Spring Cleaning 1.0 users may upgrade to version 2.0 via a download posted on the Aladdin website or the upgrade may be ordered free from Aladdin (plus shipping fee). Free upgrade offer good through December 31, 1997.

Spring Cleaning has a retail price of $120.00 and is available throughout the US in all leading mail order and retail computer stores and is distributed by Ingram Micro, Merisel and The Douglas Stewart Company. Spring Cleaning is also available directly from Aladdin. Check Aladdin's web site for the international channel partners For more information on Spring Cleaning go to

Spring Cleaning requires a Macintosh or MacOS compatible computer running System 7.0 or later. Four megabytes of RAM is recommended. Spring Cleaning is 680x0 and PowerPC native, and takes advantage of features in System 7.5 or later.

Aladdin: Making data distribution and management transparent in the Internet era

Founded in 1988, Aladdin Systems, Inc. is the developer and publisher of award winning business and consumer products. Aladdin publishes StuffIt, the worldwide compression standard; Private File(tm), the easiest cross-platform encryption software, and FlashBack(tm), the ultimate safety net for any file. Aladdin's Developer products include: InstallerMaker(tm), the Macintosh software distribution standard and ShrinkWrap(tm), the industry standard for creating and distributing disk images. Aladdin products are designed to help users take full advantage of their computers by making life easier.

Aladdin is located at 165 Westridge Drive, Watsonville, CA 95076, USA; telephone: (408)761-6200; URL:; e-mail:


Spring Cleaning and the Aladdin logo are trademarks of Aladdin Systems, Inc. MacUninstaller is a trademark of The Excelsior Group. All other product names are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective holders.

Media Contact:
Jennifer Lyng or Kendra Howell
Aladdin Systems, Inc.
(408) 761-6200 x229



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