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New and Improved Features Added to StuffIt SpaceSaver(tm)

Major upgrade features icon tagging, ease of use, and True Finder Integration(tm)

Watsonville, CA (July 23, 1996) - Aladdin Systems, Inc., developer and publisher of the worldwide Macintosh compression standard, StuffIt, today announced that it is shipping StuffIt SpaceSaver 4.0, an upgrade to its popular compression software. Major enhancements to StuffIt SpaceSaver include icon tagging for easy identification of SpaceSaver-compressed files, a revised and simpler interface, Magic Menu(tm) as part of the True Finder Integration(tm) (TFI) control panel, and faster StuffIt compression. Now users can enjoy effortless added disk space.

StuffIt SpaceSaver 4.0 is the easy-to-use, transparent compression software that helps make more space available on hard disks, by compressing files and folders automatically, whenever they are not in use. Users may access SpaceSaver-compressed files normally, as if SpaceSaver wasn't there at all. Then, SpaceSaver automatically recompresses the files when closed.

SpaceSaver compression occurs in two ways: on-command or automatically while the computer is idle. On-command compression immediately compresses the files and folders chosen. A user may also choose to have SpaceSaver work during idle time (when there is no keyboard or mouse activity). SpaceSaver seeks unchanged files within a user-specified interval of time (e.g., one month), and compresses those files while the computer is idle. SpaceSaver thereby increases users' free disk space over time. StuffIt SpaceSaver also allows users to easily Stuff and UnStuff files right in the Finder using industry-standard StuffIt archive compression.

New StuffIt SpaceSaver Icon Tagging

StuffIt SpaceSaver now satisfies customers requests for a "tag icon" feature. A user can configure SpaceSaver to superimpose a small "tag" on file icons compressed with SpaceSaver. This allows users to quickly discern which files on their disk have been SpaceSaver-compressed.

Easier To Use

Magic Menu, a Finder menu of compression options, has appeared in previous versions of StuffIt SpaceSaver, but it is now included in Aladdin's TFI control panel. TFI acts as a central location where users can tailor all Aladdin technologies integrated in the Finder. The TFI control panel is an extensible architecture. including three TFI "extensions": StuffIt Browser, Magic Menu, and Archive Via Rename(tm). SpaceSaver ships with Magic Menu and the Archive Via Rename extensions.

A user can select and expand a compressed file in one of many compression formats found online by simply choosing "Expand" from Magic Menu. The compression formats Magic Menu can now expand include: StuffIt (.sit), Compact Pro (.cpt), tar (.tar), AppleLink (.pkg), ZIP (.zip), ARC (.arc), gzip (.gz), Unix Compress (.Z), UUencode (.uu), BinHex (.hqx), MacBinary (.bin) and SpaceSaver-compressed files.

Drag-and-Drop applications (also known as "drop boxes") are included with StuffIt SpaceSaver. Just like using the trash can, drop boxes are easy to use: simply drag the file or folder that you intend to compress and drop over the icon. Many users appreciate the one-step ease-of-use that these drag and drop applications provide.

StuffIt SpaceSaver 4.0 ships with DropStuff(tm) (which creates StuffIt archives and self-extracting archives); StuffIt Expander(tm) (which provides the easiest way of expanding compressed files found online); DropCompress(tm) (which SpaceSaver-compresses files) and the Magic Menu and Archive via Rename modules as part of the TFI control panel.

"The release of SpaceSaver 4.0 should be a welcome upgrade because each improvement was specifically asked for by our current users - features defined by users for users," said Jon Kahn, Director of Sales and Marketing.

Other Information

The StuffIt SpaceSaver 4.0 package comes with an easy-to-use manual that includes tutorials to guide the user through the entire product. SpaceSaver 4.0 is commercial software distributed worldwide and is primarily sold through major mail order houses and retail stores for a suggested retail of $79.95. SpaceSaver is also featured as a component of StuffIt Deluxe - Aladdin's complete archiving, translation, and compression solution for the Macintosh. System requirements include: A MacOS-capable computer (SpaceSaver is compatible with System 6.0.5 or later, and is fully compatible with all current releases of System 7), four megabytes of memory, and a hard drive. SpaceSaver is accelerated for the Power Macintosh.

About Aladdin

Aladdin Systems, Inc. is the developer of the best-selling compression software on the Macintosh. The award-winning StuffIt family of software is the Macintosh compression standard for desktop and Internet users. Over 4,000 software developers, including Apple, Claris, Intuit, and Microsoft, have licensed Aladdin's data compression and installation technology.

The company is located at 165 Westridge Drive, Watsonville, CA 95076, USA; telephone: (408)761-6200; URL:


StuffIt, StuffIt Deluxe, StuffIt SpaceSaver, StuffIt Expander, Magic Menu, Idle Time Compression, and True Finder Integration are trademarks of Aladdin Systems, Inc. Apple, Finder, MacOS and Macintosh are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. All other products and brands are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.


Jennifer Lyng
Aladdin Systems, Inc.
(408) 761-6200 x251



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