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Aladdin Systems, Inc. Acquires REV(tm)

New Application Tracks And Saves Revisions of Any File And Allows Immediate Access to Recreated Versions

REV's "Diff" files track all changes made between saves and allow users to make and save edits without worrying.

Watsonville, CA -- May 5, 1997- - - Aladdin Systems, Inc., developer of the worldwide Macintosh compression standard, StuffIt(tm), announced today that it has acquired the publishing rights to REV from 6prime corporation. Originally introduced at Macworld Expo in San Francisco earlier this year, REV is the first easy-to-use revision-control software for Macintosh users. REV can easily be set to save unlimited (or a fixed number) of revisions of any document from any application and lets users return to any previously saved version minutes, days or even years in the future.

"REV is a god-send for graphic artists, web site designers, lawyers, financial planners and anyone who works on a single document over a period of time with lots of changes," said Brad Peppard, Aladdin's VP of Marketing. "With REV you can recreate any previously saved version of a picture, contract, financial model -- any file really -- in just a couple of mouse clicks. And because REV records just the changes made each time you save a file, it doesn't take up a lot of disk space either."REV is revision-control software. It tracks changes that users make to their files as they save them (or as it auto-saves) and enables users to go back in time to recover work that would normally be deleted by revision changes. These changes are saved as "diff" files, which encompass just the edits and changes between the current document and the last revised document, thus saving disk space. (over) Another way REV helps to save space is by letting the user decide how many revision files to retain, then it deletes old revisions once that number is exceeded. The diff files are identified by the original name of the file and a time and date stamp of when it was created. With auto-save programs, such as FileMaker Pro, REV can be set to make changes every few minutes instead of every instant, since many auto-save programs save so frequently.REV provides the user with a Finder-like listing of all the files that have revisions saved and the time and date of each revision. From this list, the user is able to simply double-click on the revision they wish to retrieve to get to a particular document."REV resolves the issue of "Saver's Remorse," giving access to unlimited document revisions in any program. It is easy to use, inexpensive, and helpful to novice and expert Macintosh users alike," said Peter Thomas, REV Product Manager at Aladdin Systems. "Aladdin acquired REV because it is a well-crafted product that brings a unique solution to a common problem, much like the rest of the Aladdin line of products. We see incredible potential with REV." REV allows users to:

  • Auto-revision all important documents
  • Keep daily drafts of documents- quickly and easily
  • Keep revisions of documents easily from different locations and computers
  • Automatically update document revisions between Laptop and Desktop machines
  • Auto-revise work from home or on the road
  • Organize all current working documents
  • Watch server documents automatically
  • Retrieve past-saved revisions
  • Time & date stamp all "Saves"
  • Automatically update from removable media
  • Auto revise shared documents locally
  • Keep archives of financial and business records
  • Keep revisions of anything you are unsure of changing
  • Create a virtual table of contents to subscription CD-ROMs by revisioning their "README" files from file servers

Additional Information

REV runs on any Macintosh series computer with 2MB of RAM and System 7 or later. REV is a commercial software product available directly from Aladdin and carries a suggested retail price of $99.95. REV is distributed with a helpful user's manual, an online manual and technical support from Aladdin. For more information go to

Aladdin is working closely with the original developer to release the Aladdin version of REV. It is expected to ship in the third quarter of 1997. About Aladdin

Aladdin: Making data distribution and management transparent in the Internet era

Founded in 1988, Aladdin Systems, Inc. is the developer and publisher of award winning business and consumer products. Aladdin's Consumer Product Group includes StuffIt, the Macintosh and Internet compression standard; Spring Cleaning, the fastest and safest way to clean up your Mac; and CyberFinder, an Internet Bookmark Manager. Aladdin's Developer Technologies Group includes InstallerMaker, the Macintosh installation standard and ShrinkWrap, the quickest and easiest way to create and distribute disk images. Aladdin products are designed to help users take full advantage of their computer by making life easier.

Aladdin is located at 165 Westridge Drive, Watsonville, CA 95076, USA; telephone: (408)761-6200, web:, e-mail:


CyberFinder, StuffIt, InstallerMaker and the Aladdin Logo are trademarks of Aladdin Systems, Inc. Internet Explorer is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. Navigator is a trademark of Netscape Communications. Macintosh is a trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. All other product names are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective holders.

Jennifer Lyng
Aladdin Systems, Inc.
(408) 761-6200 x251



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