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The StuffIt Engine SDK 4.0 For Macintosh From Aladdin Systems, Is Now Available To The Developer Community

Watsonville, CA-- March 13, 1997 -- Aladdin Systems, Inc., developer and publisher of the worldwide Macintosh compression standard, StuffIt, ships the StuffIt Engine(tm) Software Developer Kit (SDK) 4.0 for Macintosh. The StuffIt Engine gives third party software built-in support for StuffIt archives (.sit), the Macintosh standard for archiving and compression.

By licensing the StuffIt Engine a developer's product can easily create StuffIt archives (.sit), Self-Extracting archives (.sea), and encrypted archives among other formats. The StuffIt Engine consists of a series of code resources that give users access to standard StuffIt archival compression and decompression. "The StuffIt Engine 4.0 for Mac allows developers to use the industry standard StuffIt compression and decompression formats in their products easily," said Pauline Shumake, StuffIt Engine Product Manager. "Developer's can integrate the StuffIt Engine into their program in less than an hour."

There is a single application programming interface (API) handling all the following formats:

  • StuffIt Compression and Decompression
  • Compact Pro Decompression
  • ZIP Decompression
  • ARC Decompression
  • AppleLink Package Decompression
  • GZIP Decompression
  • Unix Compress Decompression
  • BinHex Decoding
  • MacBinary Decoding
  • UUCode Decoding

Evaluate the StuffIt Engine

The StuffIt Engine is distributed electronically and available for evaluation over the World Wide Web at; and CompuServe. The StuffIt Engine is sold through license agreements directly from Aladdin. Current licensees will automatically receive a free upgrade to the new version. Aladdin has increased its engineering, developer support, and developer sales staffs to provide better service for developers. Contact the Developer Sales Group at for additional details.

Other Information
The StuffIt Engine 4.0 is distributed electronically over the World Wide Web at; AOL; and CompuServe. The StuffIt Engine is sold through license agreements directly from Aladdin. Aladdin has increased its developer engineering, sales, and technical support staff to provide better service for developers. Contact the Developer Sales Group at for additional details.

Founded in 1988 Aladdin Systems, Inc. is the developer and publisher of award winning products for businesses and consumers. Aladdin's Developer Technologies Group includes InstallerMaker, the Macintosh installation standard used by thousands of software developers, including Apple, Claris, Corel and Microsoft. Aladdin's Consumer Product Group includes StuffIt, the Macintosh and internet compression standard and Spring Cleaning, the fastest and safest way to clean up your Mac. Aladdin products are designed to help users take full advantage of their computer both in work and in play.

Aladdin is located at 165 Westridge Drive, Watsonville, CA 95076, USA; telephone: (408)761-6200, web:, e-mail:



StuffIt, StuffIt Engine, StuffIt InstallerMaker, Spring Cleaning, CyberFinder, Aladdin Desktop Tools, and ShrinkWrap are trademarks of Aladdin Systems, Inc. Macintosh is a registered trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. All other products or brands are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective holders.



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