Now Cross-Platform, FlashBack 1.1 Is The First Program To Protect
Users Against The Number One Cause Of Data Loss!
Watsonville, CA - March 9, 1998 - Aladdin Systems, Inc., announced today that Aladdin FlashBack
1.1 is now shipping. FlashBack solves the number one cause of
data loss: the accidental overwriting or erasure of a file. Aladdin
FlashBack 1.1 is a new data protection utility that allows users
to recover previously saved versions of any FlashBack-protected
document from any application with simple drag-and-drop or double-click
convenience - even if the original file is lost, damaged, overwritten
or erased.
FlashBack, a personal and business productivity tool, fills the
gap between recovery and back-up software to provide a new kind
of document safety net. FlashBack allows users to easily access
up to 999 previous versions of any FlashBack-protected document.
FlashBack also saves disk space by tracking only the differences
between versions.
New Improvements to FlashBack 1.1:
- Recover from one to 999 previously-saved versions of any FlashBack-protected
document (was 99)
- A disclosure triangle in the FlashBack application window becomes
orange to indicate the current document that FlashBack is revising
or processing
- Increased default setting to 50 saved/revised documents (was 20)
- Improved help features and more informative warning dialog boxes
Seamless Integration
FlashBack works with documents created from any application, and
is cross-platform (Windows and Macintosh). FlashBack's ability
to track and recall changes to files can be applied to any document
on local hard drives or remote servers. This includes graphics,
word processing files, spreadsheets, databases, financial records,
audio, video, multimedia files and HTML web pages. Documents are
selected for FlashBack to track and the rest is automatic.
How It Works
To protect a document, the user simply drags-and-drops the document
to the FlashBack window, and FlashBack does the rest automatically.
Each change made to the document is captured and archived in FlashBack
with a time and date stamp. FlashBack functions by recording the
changes made to a document each time it is saved.
Using a Differencing Engine, FlashBack compares the current state
of the file and the previously saved version each time the file
is saved. Only the changes between these two files are recorded
and saved by the FlashBack application, so disk space is reduced
compared to conventional saved revisions.
The FlashBack window provides the user with a listing of all revised
files. To view a previous version from this list, the user simply
double-clicks on the revision or drags it to the desktop to rebuild
the file exactly as it was at the time and date indicated. FlashBack
launches the file's application if it is not already running,
makes a copy of the document in its current form, and combines
it with the revision files to generate the version the user selected.
The user works with their files in the normal way, but can access
any previous version with ease.
Unlimited Undos
FlashBack brings the "unlimited undo" feature to any document.
Most programs allow only a limited number of undo functions, and
even those are lost when the user quits the program or turns off
the computer. A power failure or a system crash wipes out any
ability to access earlier versions of a document. With FlashBack,
the user can go back to an earlier version to retrieve information.
The revision files can be treated like documents - open them,
edit and save them with a new name, and share them with other
FlashBack users by dragging and dropping the files into an email
message. The user can track and review their documents, allowing
for much more flexible and intelligent file management.
User Controls
FlashBack maximizes efficiency by letting the user set the frequency
with which FlashBack records changes. The user can retain up to
999 versions of a document, after which the oldest version is
simply deleted. The user can configure FlashBack to track changes
whenever a document is saved, or whenever it is closed. With programs
that have an auto-save function, FlashBack can be set to save
changes every few minutes, instead of every instant, since auto-save
programs save so frequently. Settings can be made on a default
basis or tailored by file or application.
FlashBack allows users to:
- Automatically capture and track all changes to documents, databases,
and more, without slowing down other applications
- Quickly and easily retrieve previously-saved versions of FlashBack-ed
- Easily access any version of a FlashBack document for editing
or printing with point-and-click convenience.
- Edit and save documents with confidence, ending 'saver's remorse'
- Automatically keep daily, weekly, or monthly archives (snapshots)
of documents, databases, financial records - quickly and easily
- Accomplish tasks from a very simple-to-use and effective user
Availability, Pricing, and Requirements
FlashBack is available through all major retailers, mail order
and electronic retailers. Retailers in the US and Canada can contact
Ingram Micro, Merisel and the Douglas Stewart Company. FlashBack
is distributed worldwide via Aladdin's International distribution
network, see Aladdin's web site for distributors.
For registered users of FlashBack 1.0, the free, downloadable
upgrade with an electronic manual is expected to be available
in March of 1998. A diskette/CD upgrade with a printed manual
will be available directly from Aladdin for $9.95, not including
applicable tax (US and Canada only).
FlashBack carries a projected street price of $69.95 for new users.
An introductory $20 mail-in rebate is available through June 30,
1998, to customers who purchase FlashBack in retail (US and Canada
FlashBack is compatible with Windows 95, 3.11 and any Macintosh
series computer running System 7.1.1 or later. FlashBack is year
2000 compliant. For more information on FlashBack go to .
Aladdin: Making data distribution and management transparent in
the Internet era
Founded in 1988, Aladdin Systems, Inc. celebrates 10 years of
developing and publishing award-winning business and consumer
products. Aladdin publishes StuffIt¬, the worldwide compression
standard and Spring Cleaning, the best-selling uninstaller for
the Mac. Aladdin products are designed to make life easier by
helping users take full advantage of their computer.
Aladdin FlashBack, StuffIt and the Aladdin logo are trademarks
of Aladdin Systems, Inc. All other product names are registered
trademarks or trademarks of their respective holders.