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FlashBack Is The First Program To Protect Users Against The Number One Cause Of Data Loss!

Watsonville, CA -- February 17, 1997-- Aladdin Systems, Inc., announced today that Aladdin FlashBack(tm) 1.1 solves the number one cause of data loss: the accidental overwriting or erasure of a file. Aladdin FlashBack is a new data protection utility that allows users to recover previously saved versions of any FlashBack-protected document from any application simply by drag and drop or by double-clicking - even if the original file is lost, damaged, overwritten or erased.

FlashBack, a personal and business productivity tool, falls in-between traditional file recovery and back-up software utilities to provide an entirely new kind of file safety. FlashBack allows users to easily access from one to 999 previous versions of any FlashBack-protected file. This new method of data safety saves disk space by tracking only the differences between versions, each time the document is saved.

"Traditional backup utilities are too cumbersome, and undo functions are too limited. FlashBack recovers things even Norton Utilities can't. It provides immediate point and click access to any previous version of a FlashBack protected file, whether it is a drawing, a multimedia file, a contract or spreadsheet. If the user has overwritten or accidentally erased a file, or just needs to return to earlier editions for comparison or re-use, FlashBack instantly rebuilds the file," said Peter Thomas, FlashBack product manager.

Seamless Integration
FlashBack works with documents created from any application, and is cross-platform (Windows and Macintosh). FlashBack's ability to track and recall changes to files can be applied to any document on local hard drives or remote servers. This includes graphics, spreadsheets, databases, financial records, audio, video, multimedia files and HTML or web pages. Files are selected for FlashBack to track and the rest is automatic.

How It Works
FlashBack functions by recording the changes made to a file each time the file is saved (whether by an auto-save feature or by user command). To protect a document, the user simply drags and drops the file to the FlashBack window, and FlashBack does the rest automatically. Each change made to the file is captured and archived in FlashBack with a time and date stamp.

Using a Differencing Engine, FlashBack compares the current state of the file and the previously saved version each time the file is saved. Only changes between these two files are recorded and saved by the FlashBack application (under the same title with the time and date stamp), so disk space is reduced compared to conventional saved revisions. FlashBack also saves space by letting the user decide the number of revisions to retain, and discards old revisions once that number is exceeded. With auto-save programs, FlashBack can be set to save changes at a specific time interval, since auto-save programs save frequently.

FlashBack provides the user with a listing of all revised files, with the time and date of each revision. From this list in the FlashBack window, the user is able to simply double-click on the revision or drag it to the desktop to rebuild the file exactly as it was at the time and date indicated. The user works with their files in the normal way, but can access any previous version with ease.

Unlimited Undos
FlashBack brings the "unlimited undo" feature to any document. Many programs allow only a limited number of undo capabilities which are lost when the program is shut down or the computer is turned off. A power failure or a system crash wipes out any ability to access earlier versions of a file. With Aladdin FlashBack, the user can go back to an earlier version and cut and paste pieces between one or more prior editions of a file or document or use the entire document. Users can track and review their files, allowing for much more flexible and intelligent file management.

User Controls
Users can configure FlashBack to track changes whenever a file is saved. The user can also set FlashBack to save from one to 999 versions of a file, after which the oldest version is simply deleted. The user can also set the frequency with which FlashBack records changes. All settings can be made on a global default basis or be adjusted by specific file or application.

"The beauty of FlashBack is that no other safety utility exists with seamless integration, that is so affordable, simple to use, and helpful to novice and expert users alike. It makes retrieving older versions of documents easy and painless," said Jonathan Kahn, VP sales and business development. "FlashBack puts an end to 'saver's remorse'... now you can save as often as you like, and still have access to those previous versions."

FlashBack allows users to:

  • Automatically capture and track all changes to documents, databases, and other important files
  • Retrieve past-saved versions of FlashBacked documents
  • Access any version of FlashBack documents for editing or printing with point-and-click ease
  • Edit and save documents with confidence, thus ending 'saver's remorse'
  • Automatically keep daily, weekly, or monthly archives or 'snapshots' of documents, databases, financial records, or other files- quickly and easily
  • Do all of this from a very simple-to-use and effective user interface

Availability, Pricing, and Requirements
FlashBack is expected to ship in March of 1998. It will be available through all major retailers, mail order and electronic retailers. Flashback is distributed worldwide via Aladdin's International distribution network, see Aladdin's web site for a listing of distributors. Retailers in the US and Canada can contact Ingram Micro, Merisel and the Douglas Stewart Company. FlashBack will also be available electronically direct from Aladdin

FlashBack carries a projected street price of $69.95. An introductory $20 mail-in rebate is available to customers who purchase FlashBack in retail (US and Canada only). Special pricing is available for registered users of Aladdin commercial products

FlashBack is compatible with Windows 95, 3.11 and any Macintosh series computer running System 7.1.1 or later. FlashBack is year 2000 compliant. For more information on FlashBack go to

Aladdin: Making data distribution and management transparent in the Internet era

Founded in 1988, Aladdin Systems, Inc. celebrates 10 years of developing and publishing award-winning business and consumer products. Aladdin publishes StuffIt(R), the worldwide compression standard and Private File(tm), the easiest cross-platform encryption software available. Aladdin products are designed to help users take full advantage of their computer by making life easier.


Aladdin FlashBack, StuffIt and the Aladdin logo are trademarks of Aladdin Systems, Inc. All other product names are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective holders.


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