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Aladdin Systems, Inc. Announces A New Version of ShrinkWrap

New Features In ShrinkWrap 3.0 Allow Users To Make Electronic Purchases

San Francisco, CA, Macworld Expo (January 7, 1997) Aladdin Systems, Inc., developer of the worldwide Macintosh compression and installation standards StuffIt(tm) and StuffIt InstallerMaker(tm), has incorporated its award winning compression and other technologies to improve and enhance ShrinkWrap's capabilities.

ShrinkWrap 3.0 is a utility that can quickly and easily turn a disk into a file. The file can then be transmitted electronically (via the Internet, etc.) and just as quickly, return the file to an exact disk image of the original source disk. ShrinkWrap supports all of the commonly used image file formats.

ShrinkWrap's new features include:

  • Ability to create disk images that use Aladdin's new "transaction processing technology." This enables developers to distribute disk images that must be paid for before they can be mounted.
  • Read/Write/Mount support for Apple's NDIF (NonDignified Internet Fan) compressed image format
  • Asynchronous floppy support
  • Caching disk-to-disk duplication on the hard drive to minimize ejects
  • Automatic BinHex encoding
  • The ability to create/read/write disk image files
  • On-the-fly StuffIt compression and decompression

With these enhanced features it is even easier for Internet surfers and developers to use.

Why Use ShrinkWrap?
ShrinkWrap has an easy-to-use drag and drop interface that allows users to create exact duplicates of image files from disks. Features include recreating the exact icon placement, appearance of all windows, and the correct name of the disk. With these disk images, users also have assurance that all the files have been duplicated correctly and completely.

Disk images are frequently used for backing up original floppy disks to removable media, installing Apple's System Updates and System Software extensions, distributing multiple disk images on floppies, mounting floppies on Macs without a SuperDrive, creating "instant" RAM disks, distributing software collections and archives on CD-ROM, and verifying the integrity of development builds. ShrinkWrap 3.0 is the ideal method of distributing disk images over the Internet.

"ShrinkWrap is the next piece in the software distribution puzzle," said Pauline Shumake, ShrinkWrap Product Manager. "Integrating these technologies into our product line creates a powerful set of utilities for Aladdin developers."

Availability and Requirements
This version of ShrinkWrap is expected to ship in the first quarter of 1997.

ShrinkWrap requires System 7.0 or later, is accelerated for Power Macintosh users, and makes extensive use of AppleEvent objects and a custom AppleEvent suite.

About Aladdin
Founded in 1988, Aladdin Systems, Inc. is the developer and publisher of award winning products for businesses and consumers. Aladdin's Consumer Product Group includes StuffIt, the Macintosh and internet compression standard; Spring Cleaning, the fastest and safest way to clean up your Mac; as well as CyberFinder, an Internet Bookmark Manager and Aladdin Desktop Tools, a utility product. Aladdin's Developer Technologies Group includes InstallerMaker, the Macintosh installation standard used by thousands of software developers including: Apple, Claris, Corel and Microsoft; and ShrinkWrap, the quickest and easiest way to create and distribute disk images. Aladdin products are designed to help users take full advantage of their computer both in work and in play.

Aladdin is located at 165 Westridge Drive, Watsonville, CA 95076, USA; telephone: (408)761-6200, web:, e-mail:


ShrinkWrap, StuffIt, InstallerMaker and the Aladdin Logo are trademarks of Aladdin Systems, Inc. Macintosh is a trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. All other product names are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective holders.


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