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Aladdin Systems, Inc. Announces
Electronic Transaction Processing
with StuffIt InstallerMaker 4.0

New Version Allows Developers To Transform Any Product Into Trialware With No Coding Required!

San Francisco, CA, Macworld Expo (January 7, 1997)--Aladdin Systems, Inc., developer and publisher of the worldwide Macintosh compression standard StuffIt(tm), today announced StuffIt InstallerMaker(tm) 4.0 with support for electronic transaction processing. This version of InstallerMaker will ship in first quarter 1997. It can automatically transform any product into trialware software (a time-locked demo) from the regular version without any coding. End users can purchase this trialware version with the click of a button. InstallerMaker also creates installers that require an end-user to pay for the product prior to installation.

"The software industry is rapidly moving towards electronic distribution methods to help cut costs and increase the availability of software to their customers," said Brian Schussler, InstallerMaker Product Manager. "InstallerMaker 4.0 radically lowers the barriers to entry for developers and customers alike. Installers created with InstallerMaker's electronic transaction processing technology are ready for distribution via the internet, online services, CD-ROMs and even floppy disks."

Developers can transform their software into trialware or a pay-before-use product by making a few menu selections (to set the purchase price and demo period) and pasting in two graphics when creating their installers. Reinstalling software after the demo period is over will not allow additional usage without a purchase.

Real-Time Unlocking
End users are prompted every time the trialware software is run with the number of days left in the demo period and given the opportunity to purchase from within the trialware application, via the internet, modem, a voice call, fax, or postal mail with their credit card. Pay-before-installation installers give users the same easy purchase options as trialware.

"InstallerMaker 4.0 was created as a direct response to developer requests for an easier way to sell software electronically," said Darryl Lovato, Vice President and General Manager of Aladdin Developer Technology. "Other schemes required developers to set up SHTTP web sites, or make engineering changes to their applications to support electronic transactions. With InstallerMaker 4.0 we've eliminated all of those headaches and time sinks."

Other new features of InstallerMaker 4.0 include the capability to use ShrinkWrap(tm) for creating disk images as part of the build process, software license display mode during installation, a new update architecture for smaller and faster software updaters, support for building additional foreign language installers, and additional user interface enhancements.

Creating Disk Images with ShrinkWrap
InstallerMaker 4.0 has the capability to use ShrinkWrap, which was recently acquired by Aladdin, to create disk images while building an installer. This eliminates a step in the SCM process and results in more reliable product builds.

Software License Mode
InstallerMaker 4.0 will support separate software license mode during installation. Developers can add copies of their software license agreement in multiple languages to be displayed before installation. The end user must accept the terms of the license agreement before the install will proceed.

Other Information
StuffIt InstallerMaker is distributed electronically through the World Wide Web at; AOL; and CompuServe. InstallerMaker is sold through license agreements directly from Aladdin. Current licensees can download a free upgrade of the new version. Contact the Developer Sales Group at for additional details.

About Aladdin
Founded in 1988, Aladdin Systems, Inc. is the developer and publisher of award winning products for businesses and consumers. Aladdin's Consumer Product Group includes StuffIt, the Macintosh and internet compression standard; Spring Cleaning, the fastest and safest way to clean up your Mac; as well as CyberFinder, an Internet Bookmark Manager and Aladdin Desktop Tools, a utility product. Aladdin's Developer Technologies Group includes InstallerMaker, the Macintosh installation standard used by thousands of software developers including: Apple, Claris, Corel and Microsoft; and ShrinkWrap, the quickest and easiest way to create and distribute disk images. Aladdin products are designed to help users take full advantage of their computer both in work and in play.

Aladdin is located at 165 Westridge Drive, Watsonville, CA 95076, USA; telephone: (408)761-6200, web:, e-mail:


ShrinkWrap, StuffIt, StuffIt InstallerMaker and the Aladdin Logo are trademarks of Aladdin Systems, Inc. Macintosh is a trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. All other product names are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective holders.


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