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InstallerMaker 4.6 Now Creates Custom Installers With Enhanced Macintosh OS 8 Platinum Style User Interface

Macworld EXPO, Moscone Convention Center, Developer Central, North Hall, January 6-9, 1998

Watsonville, CA-- January 5, 1998 -- Aladdin Systems, Inc., developer and publisher of the worldwide compression standard StuffIt(R), today announced StuffIt InstallerMaker(tm) 4.6 began shipping. InstallerMaker 4.6, the only Macintosh installer with automatic trialware creation and FTP installation capabilities, now allows developers to create custom software installers that have the enhanced platinum user interface style of Macintosh OS 8.

"The incorporation of the OS 8 platinum style user interface combined with InstallerMaker's automatic trialware creation and Internet FTP capabilities brand InstallerMaker as the complete distribution and installation solution for developers," said Pauline Shumake, InstallerMaker product manager.

New Features in InstallerMaker 4.6:

  • Create custom installers with the Macintosh OS 8 platinum style user interface. Developers can give their installers the look and feel of the new operating system quickly and easily.
  • Customize software installers with new conditions for OS 8 and "install when."
  • Additional scripting support for ease of use.
  • Automatically BinHex and/or MacBinary encode installers at build time.

InstallerMaker 4.6 features time saving enhancements including: the ability to easily create custom software installers that turn standard software into trialware (a time-locked demo) without any coding; the trialware created with InstallerMaker can be purchased by end users with the click of a button; the capability to use ShrinkWrap(tm) 3.0 for creating disk images as part of the build process; a multiple language software license display mode during installation; an update architecture that creates software updaters quickly; support for building foreign language installers; Internet TCP/IP configuration for ISPs; the ability to display banners and play sounds during the installation process, as well as user interface enhancements.

Other Features in InstallerMaker 4.6:
InstallerMaker allows users to build installers capable of retrieving files from the Internet. FTP (File Transfer Protocol) install tasks allow developers to specify an FTP site on the Internet with a path leading to a file to retrieve and install.

StuffIt Engine support is included in InstallerMaker for use by Internet installers, enabling them to expand StuffIt (.sit) files, open .zip files, decode MacBinary files and decode BinHex files.

Developers can simply hold down the Option key while dragging files into an archive to automatically replace existing files, allowing them to bypass the confirmation prompt asking whether to add new files or replace existing files.

The "Display Alert" Task allows developers to show alert messages to users at any time during installation. The "Launch" Task allows developers to create tasks to launch applications, open other files, or launch additional installers that are necessary to the installation of the software without having to include the added steps individually in the installer archive.

"Preserve Success/Fail Status," and the "Install When" features allow developers to create complex installers that make decisions during installation based on elements discovered on the user's system.

"Edit Installer Finder Info" allows developers to set the Shared and File Locked flags for the installer, and /or the minimum and preferred memory allocation. This feature makes it easier to retain the custom settings for the installer.

Availability and Requirements
StuffIt InstallerMaker is distributed electronically through the World Wide Web at and on CompuServe. InstallerMaker is sold through license agreements directly from Aladdin. Current licensees can download a free upgrade of the new version. Contact Developer Sales at for additional details. InstallerMaker requires a Macintosh or Mac OS compatible computer running System 7.1 or higher. Eight megabytes of RAM is recommended.

Aladdin: Making data distribution and management transparent in the Internet era

Founded in 1988, Aladdin Systems, Inc. is the developer and publisher of award winning business and consumer products. Aladdin publishes StuffIt(R), the worldwide compression standard; Private File(tm), the easiest cross-platform encryption software; FlashBack(tm), the ultimate safety net for protecting any file; Spring Cleaning(tm), the best-selling Mac uninstaller and ShrinkWrap(tm), the industry standard for creating and distributing disk images. Aladdin products are designed to help users take full advantage of their computers by making life easier. Aladdin is located at 165 Westridge Drive, Watsonville, CA 95076, USA; telephone: (408)761-6200; URL:; e-mail:


ShrinkWrap, StuffIt, StuffIt InstallerMaker and the Aladdin Logo are trademarks of Aladdin Systems, Inc. Macintosh is a trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. All other product names are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective holders.


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