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Some Problems: StuffIt® Deluxe ver. 4.0
Not Compatible at the time:

Aladdin Desktop Tools™


SpaceSaver™ ver. 4.0


StuffIt Deluxe™ ver. 4.5

SpaceSaver™ ver. 4.5




Private File™



Spring Cleaning™

StuffIt Expander™

StuffIt Lite™

Aladdin Desktop Tools and System 8 Compatibility

Aladdin Desktop Tools v1.0.3 contains components that are currently duplicated within Mac OS 8. Aladdin Desktop Tools is a set of utilities that was designed to fill in the gaps of System 7, and enhance the speed and ease of use of the Finder.

For System 7 users, Aladdin Desktop Tools remains an effective way to speed up and streamline your work on the desktop. These enhancements have become a mainstay for many System 7 users. Since several of these tools have been included in System 8, there is no update slated for Aladdin Desktop Tools.

CyberFinder and System 8 Compatibility

Aladdin's CyberFinder v2.1.1 is currently incompatible with Mac OS 8. As you may know, this product is highly integrated in the Finder which has been significantly changed for Mac OS 8. We are evaluating the possibility of updating CyberFinder for Mac OS 8 at this time. Aladdin will continue to support the product as it currently stands for System 7. We strongly suggest that you disable the CyberFinder control panel before installing Mac OS 8. Cyberfinder users installing OS 8 should check our web site for details on how to access or transfer bookmarks saved in CyberFinder for use with other programs.

FlashBack and System 8 Compatibility

FlashBack is compatible with System 8.

InstallerMaker and System 8 Compatibility

StuffIt InstallerMaker is compatible with System 8. However there may be some minor "appearance" changes in InstallerMaker with System 8.

Private File and System 8 Compatibility

Private File is largely, though not completely, compatible with System 8. All features work with the exception of the Magic Menu function. Magic Menu is not compatible with System 8 at this time. Our goal is to have Magic Menu repaired this year.

ShrinkWrap and System 8 Compatibility

ShrinkWrap is compatible with System 8.

SITcomm and System 8 Compatibility

SITcomm is compatible with System 8.

Spring Cleaning and System 8 Compatibility

Spring Cleaning is compatible with System 8.

StuffIt SpaceSaver and System 8 Compatibility

StuffIt SpaceSaver has been updated to Mac OS 8 compatibility with the release of StuffIt Deluxe 4.5. StuffIt SpaceSaver v4.0 is currently incompatible with Mac OS 8.

All files compressed with SpaceSaver should be expanded prior to the installation of Mac OS 8 in order for you to have access to the contents of these files. If you have already installed OS 8, you can use StuffIt Expander to decompress your SpaceSaver compressed files.

In order to ensure that you do not run out of hard disk space during this decompression, we suggest expanding one folder at a time and check the remaining disk space after each action.

StuffIt Deluxe and System 8 Compatibility

When running Mac OS 8, the application StuffIt Deluxe is still fully functional, as are DropStuff and StuffIt Expander. Files downloaded from the internet can still be expanded as always. Archives can be created, manipulated, modified and expanded by using the application itself. With the exception of the following parts, StuffIt Deluxe 4.0 is compatible with Mac OS 8.

1 StuffIt Browser

2 StuffIt SpaceSaver

3 Magic Menu

Although many of us have come to rely on the ease of use that True Finder Integration (Magic Menu, StuffIt Browser) has brought to Deluxe, a brief visit to the documentation will show how all StuffIt Deluxe functions can still be performed. StuffIt Deluxe 4.5 is fully OS 8 compatible and has additional functionality.

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Aladdin Systems, Inc.



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Modified 3/12/98 FxD Webworks