Arlin Robins, Computer and Graphic Artist


  • Macintosh - Adobe Photoshop, DeBabelizer, MS Word, Excel, PageMaker, QuarkXpress.
  • IBM - Deluxe Animate, Deluxe Paint, Adobe Photoshop, MS Word, Excel, PageMaker, Image Scanning, Digital Camera, 3DHome, Alchemy, and various FTP and proprietary tile editing/animation tools. Learning Maya for modeling and animation.
  • HTML-Dreamweaver2, basic understanding of HTML, learning FLASH
  • Experience in design and frame animation, tile editing for backgrounds, animation cleanup from 3D Studio renderings, model and environment textures, screen art, 4, 8, 15 and 24 bit art for special effects, props, backgrounds, and characters, as well as some art directing of 3D Studio and SoftImage contractors.
  • Worked with .c and .def files to assign and manipulate art within a game environment.
  • Contract work with Electronic Arts, E A Sports, Accolade and various independents to create art for Sega and SNES format games, and with Captivation for online games and product demos. Contract work for LightSource for Electric Communities' online environment. Contract for BookAlive and Explorati, creating textures and concepts for multiplayer improvisational online environments.
    Employed by Jumpin' Jack Software, Inc. to create art for the Sega Saturn format.
  • Published games: BUBSY 2, NHL '95, The GHEN WAR, & CONGO, for Saturn, HEAT - Sega's Online program, Demo's for 3DFX's next generation excellerator board, and Sega's DREAMCAST. Gameboy - Alice in Wonderland, Rampage 2.
  • Photo retouching for portraits & group "creation," CD covers, advertising.
  • Special Skill - tileable textures for use on 3D models, especially materials for environment


  • Created brochures, magazine ads, paste-up, layout, stripping, typesetting, photostats, and all preparation of photo-ready repro.
  • Wrote proposals, copy for ads and brochures, contracts, and instructions. Also performed copy-editing and proofing.
  • Production artist for a quarterly 12 page full color magazine, responsible for all pre-press development.
  • Employed part time by D&K-SF advertising agency as graphic artist/ production artist.
  • Created original artwork for 4CD covers for performing artists; Margaret Davis; 1998, Holly Tannen; 1999. Complete CD package, art and graphics for Dan Reiter and Natalie Cox, 1999-2000 & Oak Ash and Thorn, 2001.
  • Designed, directed, and produced large format, full color calendar. Concept and first photo session to first sales, 2 months. Printed in Hong Kong. 1990.


  • BFA, 1979 - The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL
  • Additional Training: Academy of Art College, San Francisco, CA ; private sessions with professionals in my field.


Figure Sculpture, Anatomy, Sculpture in wax and clay for Bronze Casting, Foundry, Photography, Jewelry in Fine Metals, Painting in Oils and Acrylics, Lithography, Metal Plate Etching, Fabric Design, Fiber Arts, Art History, Technical Drawing, Costume Design and Construction, Light Carpentry, Interior Design, Dance, Mandolin, Dog Training, and Cat Entertainment.

I enjoy working with other people, sharing ideas and solving problems. Although I have a high opinion of my abilities, I can work within someone else's style, rework existing art, or create original art to meet my client's needs. I'm also comfortable handing art back and forth between other artists in a cooperative creative process. I require fresh air and occasional sunshine, and am a dedicated workhorse.